Saturday, April 14, 2012

 The difference between being displaced and homeless can be confusing at times.Like right now me and my dad and our dog Socks we are displaced.It happened to us on April the 8,2012 when we had to moved.It been almost a week now.We are currently residing In a hotel call motel 6 Click on their name to learn more about them..We'll be here another week as we struggle to come up with a home to call ours.This motel Is very good because your dog or cat stays for free.It beats living out of your car too.My dad had colon cancer,but they took out the part of his colon with the cancer.He has cancer In his right kidney too,which he's gonna have to have another surgery on In may.I'm hoping we have a home then as the motels cost a lot of money to stay In.We are out every single day looking when I'm not driving my dad to his doctors visits.But no luck yet,everything out of our price range for now.If not then we'll most likely be living out of our car.I've been homeless before and dreading It too.And I've never had to asked for helped before because I've always been able to get out of these problems,but with medical problems my dad has gone through It's different this time.It makes even more rougher and tougher too.
  I know my dad has doubts that we'll get out of this hole,but I keep telling him we need to fight onward.Hope Is the 1 thing that can't be taken away from us.As long as we have hope we have a chance of pulling through.But sometimes I even lose hope.I'm fast to get It back although In this world sometimes It's all we have to get us through It.You learn these things when you have lost almost everything In life.My dad Is retired and I'm jobless drawing unemployment of 820 bucks every month.Jobs are hard to get too.I've over 200 apps all over the place.We are bound to Ky for now due to my dad upcoming surgery In may and his doctors visits.I know I can use the helped of prays and money right about now.I've a laptop so I can keep track of things going on with the world and so I can keep track of jobs too I used paypal so If anyone wanna helped me out you can do so below.


 I'm currently working on two e-books that I hope to have out really soon.But a lot of stuff have been hitting me lately,so It been hard to really sit down and work on It.Below are some pictures of me and my dad.And Socks too.So that everyone can see we are real people.First one is of my dad and me when he was at st Elizabeth. 

 Below Is two pictures of Socks,she's a happy go lucky dog.She was the the runt of the litter and they were gonna have her put to sleep because they couldn't sell her.I took her away from those bad people too,and she has been with us for over ten yrs now.Isn't she cute?She call Socks because she look like she's wearing socks on her paws.

  A picture of just me chilling outside on a nice day.
 My dad eating somewhere eludes me as to where although.

 As you can see we are real people In dire need of help.We need prays and money to help us out of this.We were only given like 3 or 4 days to moved,and the motel was our only option beside living In the car.I'm not use to having to reached out to people and this Is very hard for me to do too.I'm used to taking care of things myself,but this Is way bigger then I can handle.So this blog Is my way of reaching out to the world for help.No Ideal If anyone will be kind hearted or able to help us or not although.Thank you kindly for reading all the way down If you did and also for any donation If you you donated to my paypal too.If you can kindly clicked the g+1 button below you'll helped me get this blog out to the a lot of people.

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